Comparative analysis of narration function in stories of “Man and Stone” by Azam Rahnavard Zaryab and “insects that become human” by Spozhmi Zaryab

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of History, Faculty of Liberal Arts at Penn State University, Pennsylvania, United States of America


Analysis of the levels of narration and Pirang design within the fictional world shows that “what is the main theme of the text” and “with what tricks can a storyteller show this theme or main theme to the reader of his work?” To achieve this, we have analyzed and explained the level of narration and plot of two stories by well-known and active Afghan writers. The story of “Man and Stone” by Rahnavar Zaryab, is one of Afghanistan` s most famous writers over the past few weeks. The story of “the insects that become human” is written by Spozhmi Zaryab, who is also one of the famous storytellers and his knowledge about the French language affects the structural quality of his stories. A comparative narrative analysis of these stories can well illustrate the main theme of them. The audience by reading these stories without recognizing the narrative structures, may not easily understand their main content, but with care and attention to the narrative structures, they can easily achieve this.


Main Subjects

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