Peer Review Process
All submitted manuscripts are assessed by independent reviewers. The peer review process is a double-blind, multi-step process described in the following:
1. The manuscript is received via the portal and assigned an ID.
2. The structure and formatting of the manuscript will be checked to comply with the instructions and guidelines specified in guide for authors.
3. The manuscript will go under an initial quality/relevance evaluation by the editorial board.
4. The editorial board selects an associate editor who determines the subfield of your research and sends your manuscript to appropriate anonymous reviewers.
5. Two anonymous reviewers are allowed time to complete their review and submit comments to the editor. The first decision is normally reached within three months.
6. Reviewers provide comments and recommend the Editor to make the publication decision based on the provided reviews by sending a decision letter indicating one of the following conditions:
o The manuscript is acceptable for publication.
o The manuscript requires further revisions.
o The manuscript is not acceptable for publication.
o The manuscript is more appropriate for another journal.