Signs of the collapse and social transformation of Russia in “The killer and his little friend” by Zakhar Prilepin

Document Type : Research Paper


University of Tehran


Zakhar Prilepin is a contemporary Russian write .
Zakhar Prilepin In his nationalist stories, every attempt to save the fatherland is praised.
In his works, Zakhar Prilepin criticizes the many abnormalities that occurred as a result of political and social developments in Russia.
In the story “The killer and his little friend”, issues such as the Chechen war, the importance of Russian identity in the new Russia, the loss of national identity, hope for a clear future for Russia.
After a semiotic analysis of this story, we can see the reflection of the social and moral collapse and the necessity of the emergence of new heroes to save Russia.
For Zakhar Prilupin, serving Russia and preserving Russia's identity is the highest goal, and any means to achieve it can be justified. Because of this idea, the death of humans is ignored by Prilepin in “The killer and his little friend”. The author draws the reader's attention to the hope that he sprouts in the heart of the hero's wife.


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