The critique of Saadi's Gulistan with Bandura's social cognitive theory.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD. of Psychology, Lorestan University, Iran.

2 PhD. student of Psychology, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili. (Farhangian University). Ardabil, Iran.

3 Lorestan University


Gulistan (a preface and eight chapters), the most influential book of prose in the classical Persian literature, that Saadi is a poet and writer Iranian to mention the realities of human life and moral exhortations in Gulistan. The very thought of a study of human behavior from Gulistan at the perspective of psychology. In this study (the evaluation criteria is not used) we used the method of compare for the psychological critique of Saadi's Gulistan with Bandura's social cognitive theory. Research method is a research library and documentation. And the analysis of the comparative aspects, and the design of each of the samples has been noted. The findings show that, Saadi is used the format of story for indicates the best ways to take advantage of life and is trying to improve relations and human behavior to your audience. These concepts today are corresponded with Bandura's social cognitive theory. The results show that the major concepts of Bandura's social cognitive theory, including observationa learning and processes affecting it, ...


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