The Literary Anthropology of Schiller from the Standpoint of Contemporary Research and from the Point of View of Lukács

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student, Department of German Language and Literature, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant professor and faculty member, Department of German Language and Literature, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


The philosophical work of Schiller entitled “On the Aesthetic Education of Man” discusses the human character and the character of society in an anthropological form and reflects on three types of characters:Barbarian, Wilder and the Third Character. Lukács and contemporary research, know Schiller's dramatic characters in connection with the aesthetic Education -without dealing with the analysis of the anthropology of these letters- as expressions of an inner conflict between virtue and vice, which could be understood as a conflict between moral obligations and psychological being. If his anthropological insights and their transformation are the leitmotif of his works, a precise interpretation of his anthropology and thus of the analysis of dramatic figures is only possible if the anthropology of the literary and the philosophical is taken into account simultaneously. Thus, in this study, the dramatic characters are analyzed by means of Lukács point of view and the state of contemporary research, taking into account the anthropology of aesthetic education, so is a complementary picture of literary and philosophical anthropology provided.


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