An Analysis of Tragic Structure in Tragedy and Friedrich Schillers View in Relation to Die Jungfrau von Orleans

Document Type : Research Paper



An Analysis of Tragic Structure in Tragedy and Friedrich Schiller's View in Relation to Die Jungfrau von Orleans

The present study is an analysis of the art of tragedy in the original tragedy of the eighteenth-century Germany. The reasons for the glory of tragedy among other genres of drama definitely lie in its tragic structure and content. For this reason, Die Jungfrau von Orleans, Schiller's famous play, is analyzed to illustrate his views on the structure and art of tragedy with many examples. Along with familiarizing the reader with the features of a real tragedy, this study aims at introducing the various perspectives German writers, especially Schiller, hold on the art of tragedy so that we will be at a better position to analyze and interpret a real tragedy. The focus of this paper is on Schiller's world view concerning physical and spiritual identity and his opinion on the art of tragedy, for which he assumes two conditions.
Keywords: tragedy, structure and art of tragedy, Die Jungfrau von Orleans, false requirement, balanced personality, sympathy, ethical resistance



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