The Narrative of Myth of the eternal return on the story of “The Great man” by Mircea Eliade

Document Type : Research Paper


Language and Persian Literature, Narjes Rafsanjan University, Kerman, Iran



The contrast between sacred and unsacred affairs and their relation, the translation from limited historical time and entering the everlasting moment, centricity and regenerating the main, issues have been Mircea Eliade’s concerns which he has been dealt with in the most of his works. He has also retold these issues in his stories: The story of The Great Man is included. In respect to the present study, we have tried to analyze this story in terms of structure and content by using the qualitative method and content analysis based on Eliade's mythological approach. Eliade's view of religion as an experience of the sacred and myth as a narrator of sacred history is also reflected in this literary text. Eliade has used mythical pattern and symbols like night, moon, tree, and jungle in his narration. After sudden physical changes and consequently destruction of the order of his life, the protagonist of the story leaves the company of people and retreat to the mountain, the center of the world and a holy place, and he reaches philosophy and awareness there. His movement is a transition from mundane lineal limited time to sacred infinite time and a return to eternal revolution which is the start of his regeneration. On the other hand, his transition is a reminder of novitiate ceremony and secret learning and the myth of the Lost Heaven.


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