The symbolic of colors in describing scenes and emotions in Short Stories of “Wolfgang Borchert”

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor,Allameh Tabataba’I University Tehran


The symbolic of colors in describing scenes and emotions in Short Stories of “Wolfgang Borchert”

Wolfgang Borchert, one of the most famous writers of German "post-war literature", used figures of speech and various symbols, including colors, in his works in addition to linguistic and stylistic structures. In his short stories, Borchert masterfully uses colors to describe nature, battle scenes, emotions, and the characters' mental state. In the analyzed samples of the three stories in which colors play a key and very significant role, in addition to general characteristics, their symbolic aspects in German literature have also been studied. This study shows the accuracy and delicacy of Borchert in using colors in proportion to the context and its effect on the reader, who receives the sense of characters and atmosphere by analyzing the characteristics of colors from a symbolic point of view.

Keywords: Borchert - Postwar German literature - Short story - Symbol of colors


Main Subjects

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