A Psychological Analysis of Majid'sTales and Little Nicholas

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of French Language and Literature, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor of Comparative Literature, Department of French Language and Literature, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

3 Phd Graduate, Department of French Language and Literature, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


The objective of the present study is the psychological analysis of fictional characters in Majid's Tales by Houshang Moradi Kermani and Little Nicholas by René Goscinny. Relying on the psychoanalytical theories of the structure of the mind: "Id", "Ego", "Superego", "Ego ideal ", "Ideal ego" and Identification, we achieve a deeper understanding of the characters in these stories. The Id", "Ego", "Superego" form the human personality and are always in conflict. "Id" seeks pleasure and "Superego" seeks to suppress the requirements of the "Id". The "Ego" controls the conflicts between "Id" and "Superego". "Ideal ego" means the conscious evaluation of the individual, but "Ego ideal" is the part of the person's being that he wants to achieve. Identification is a defense mechanism to deal with internal and external stresses. The main characters of these stories correspond to these parts and can represent the functions of the components of the structure of the mind. This research is dedicated to the analysis of these two sets of narratives from this approach.


Main Subjects

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