The narrator's mentality in the folk tales of Samad Behrangi and Charles Perrault based on the Kerbrat-Orecchioni model

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of French Language and Literature; Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


Cognitive linguists believe that language reflects the fundamental characteristics of the human mind. In addition, the presence of the language user can be revealed by linguistic methods in his utterances. This has led linguists, including Kerbrat-Orecchioni, to analyze the symptoms of said mental activity. Kerbrat-Orecchioni, French linguist, believes that the narrator has two main paths in his words: an objective speech in which there is no sign of him; And a mental discourse in which its presence is implicit or explicit. The use of adjectives in statements is one of the methods which gives objectivity to the presence or absence of statements. Our aim in this article is to investigate and study the mental characteristics of traits in six folk tales, compiled and rewritten by Iranian writer Samad Behrangi and 17th century French writer Charles Perrault. To achieve this goal, we identified the traits used in these stories based on the Kerbrat-Orecchioni classification and examined their subjective or objective nature.


Main Subjects

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