A Reading of the myth of Icarus and its structural use in the novel Onitsha written by Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio based on view points of Claude Lévi-Strauss

Document Type : Research Paper


Professor-assistant University of Tabriz


Le Clézio, the 20th century French novelist, highlights the mythical nature of his work through narration. For Le Clézio, Icarus appears as a social figure in order to present historical and chronological changes as a reversible concept. In Onitsha, temporal and spatial elements are in such order that a dream, the past and a missing identity are reconstructed through societal events and natural elements. Creating a myth in Onitsha accompanies structural rules. Connections between mythical concepts reflect linguistic constancy. Therefore, mythical nature of Icarus is considered as linguistic and semantic structure expressing temporal and spatial realities owing to a general structure. This mythical language consisting incoherent elements shapes historical events.
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