Comparative study on The Little Prince and Animals Farm according to Claude Duchet's sociocritical model

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor of French Language Department, Faculty of Humanities, Tehran, Iran

2 M.S. of French Language & Literature, Shahid Chamran University, Iran


In contemporary literature, allegorical language is used to convey concepts and simplify complex social, moral, and political issues that cannot be presented in a direct and explicit manner. Among these allegorical works are the two novels The Little Prince and Animal Farm, which, despite having seemingly different themes (respectively, psychological and political), are socially comparable. The question that arises is that, considering the difference between the personality and environment of the two authors, and most importantly between the two reference societies and two seemingly different substructures, can we arrive at a correspondence between two works and thus two seemingly different superstructures? Therefore, relying on the sociocritique of Claude Duchet and in the form of a comparative study, this research intends to find possible correlations in the individual as well as socio-historical contexts in which these novels were written in order to discover the traces of the author and the history in the formation of these two works; in other words, to study "hors-texte" of these two novels, the reference society from which the story was born, and the "sociotexte" created by the authors of these two works. The results of the analysis show that "sociality of the text" in the two stories reflects the sociocritical concerns of the two authors, and the "metatextual references" of the two works to substructure -that means "the reference society" the two authors experienced and lived in their own way- is achieved through the superstructure (plot, theme, characterization, ending).


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