The Misunderstanding or the Narrative of the Murderer’s Language

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Department of French Language and Literature, Faculty of Persian and Foreign Languages, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Foreign Language and Linguistics, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.


Albert Camus' Misundertsandment is one of his absurd-cycle works, in which the author invites readers to reach an awareness of the tragic condition of the human life.
This play presents human beings' silence as surrender, and speech as a rebellion against it. In fact, if Hamlet's mind was occupied by the "to be or not to be" question, Camus' work presents us with a "to talk or not to talk" dilemma, which is no less that the older question. As such, discovering the sad and anxiety-inducing condition he lives in, Camus' character surrenders to being murdered by his mother and sister. In Le Misunderstandment being and not being have become speaking and remaining silent, and speaking is a weapon to defend oneself with in a dark and violent world.
This paper discusses Camus' views and conceptualization of the world, the defenselessness of human beings vis-a-vis their own species, and the role of nature and humankind in the formation of fate with reference to his play.


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