The Theater of Bernard Mary Coltes

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Instructor, Central Tehran Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Islamic Azad University, Central Branch, Tehran, Iran.


Theater is a mirror of the social community and involve the factors in the world that are unavoidable. Over time and with increasing public dialogue and social awareness, theater presents politics. Political theater, directly related to politics and is a critical theater in which, in the name of an unknown opposition, criticism occurs. Political theater criticism and the criticism expressed proof of the fact that the verification charge when it is acceptable and what is acceptable is fulfill. After 1960, with the emergence of new cash, in dealing with issues of literature, a gradual change in the formation of political theater was criticized, even fight them.
Bernard Marie Koltes ´ s theater, is a political theater and have a democracy in which the game uncertain political parties, public opinion and the parties have formed, and global political issues are criticized. Koltes theater serves as minority Court and discourse of conflict and political debate on the basis of their criticism deals that are available and deal society portrays


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