Epistolary Works by Eric Emmanuel Schmitt; Narrative Therapy Function and Theism Induction

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD. Student, Science & Reseach Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, I.R.Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Arak, I.R.Iran


New approaches to narratology, which are mostly connected to the western structuralism, arguably suggest that different parts of a literary work on the whole actively make a dialectical relation. This relationship, therefore, expands the narrative research domain and brings into play other field of humanities like psychology. Narrative therapy is one of the contemporary schools of psychology and one of the divisions of the widespread movement called 'changing paradigm' in social sciences and humanities. This article is to evaluate the function of letter-writing as a form of narrative in Eric Emmanuel Schmitt' works by drawing upon its theoretical foundations and significance. The authors also look at the function of letter-writing in the form of narrative as a treatment to anxiety, loneliness and frustration of the main characters in Schmitt' works; those who reach theism and belief deep down of themselves by the virtue of writing letters.


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