The octavio paz ’s sunstone and its effect on Shamloo ’s mind and speech

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor of Persian Language and Literature, Dehaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan, Iran

2 PH.D student of Persian Language and Literature, Dehaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan, Iran


The Octavio Paz ’s sunstone is one of the letters that has borrowed to Shamloo and helped him to obtain a new and dependent speech .this debt sometimes is full of passivity so that more than using and reflecting the words, concepts and images like a mirror conduce to equality in syntactic structure and sometimes this similarity is so deep that conduce to create great news and causes to escape from written regulations of speech system the deep presence of principles of Octavio’ s thinking school in some poems of Shamloo avoid far readers from gaining and realizing his secondary system of mind and his speech he under the effect of Paz instead of creating a surrealistic situation create a deep surrealistic concept in his poems and sometimes under the effect or in impressible of Octavio present spiritual and ideological syntactic combinations which are based on content and spatial logic or think
Shamloo exactly like Paz has specific attention to time and escaping from it and both o


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