Study and Comparing translation of Khayyam's Rubaiyat by Fitzgerald with Peter Avery and John Heath's Translation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Asistant professor in Persian language and literature of payame noor university, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Persian language and literature Faculty of literature and humanities Shahrekord university, Shahrekord, Iran

3 Teacher in Persian language and literature of payame noor university, Shahrekord, Iran


Literary translation and especially Poetry translation is very difficult and many people are of the opinion that it is impossible. Moreover, Persian Poetry has a special figures of speech, rhythm and prosody and is more difficult to translate. Rubaiyat of Khayyam is one of the literary masterpieces that is full of spirit of Iranian Culture and cannot be translated easily. Nevertheless, many translators from different language have tried to translate these poems to their language. For example, English translation of Rubaiyat of Khayyam by Edward Fitzgerald and Peter Avery and John Heath.Translation method of Edward Fitzgerald is free and Avery and Heath’ method is literal and has be done about hundred years after Fitzgerakd’s translation. In this research, we study and compare Fitzgerald's translation with Avery's one to show the strong and weak points of each translation and understand which translation has been more successful in transforming poetic conception of Khayyam's thought and who understand better the conception of Rubaiyat.


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