The review of “ Maasum e Avval” – The First Immaculate-, a short story by Houshang Golshiri; based on structural narratology techniques of Gerard Genette

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor of Persian language and literature, Tabriz branch, Tabriz, Iran

2 PhD student in Persian language and literature, Tabriz branch, Islamic Azad university, Tabriz-Iran


Concerning the time component in the review of the story indicated that the quality of the events narrated in the text is slightly different from the fictional level and the text except in three phenomena have no other time disparity and it is in chronological order.
This time disparity is toward immediate past and in some cases is toward distant past and scope of the disparity is also subject to the short period of time. Time allocated in the narrative text comparing to time spent for the events in the story is shorter and the text has a positive acceleration. The Frequencies are singular, repeated and echoed. The narrator enjoys the communicative, approval and ideological roles..
Considering the voice component, the author applied the first person, implicit I, objective I, I champion and also second-person in the narration within the story and in telling the story he has used the omniscient dramatic narration.


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