Postmodern writing in Malakut, novel of Bahram Sadeghi, and Interregation written by J.-M.G. Le Clezio

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of French Language and Literature/Faculty of Literature and Human Science

2 M.A./Department of French Language and Literature/Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Bahram Sadeghi and Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio are both innovative contemporary writers. Considering that these two writers are pioneers of the postmodern period of fiction in their countries, and that during this time, they wrote their two famous novels, Malakut (1350) and Interrogation (1963), this question is to be seen : to what extent postmodern writing components are similar in their mentioned works? It is worth noting that the social and historical conditions for the writing of these two novels strengthen their similarity assumption: Interrogation was written after Algerian war and Malakut was created after the coup d’état of August twenty eight. Examining the affinities between these two novels could be also interesting because the postmodern concept is not the same in different cultures and societies. In this paper, based on the most common elements of postmodern writing in these two works, we study the theme of death thought, duality and contradiction, and finally, the enigmatic aspect of the narration.


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