The Semiotic Reading of Akhavan’s Epigraph

Document Type : Research Paper


Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Qom, Qom, Iran.


The main issue, in this article, is the analysis of Akhavan’s “Epigraph” based on Michael Riffaterr’s semiotic theory. According to Michael Riffaterr’s semiotic theory, the reading of poems includes two stages: an exploratory (Heuristic) and a reading-oriented (Retroactive) stage. The first stage involves the search for meaning and the second stage considers the implications of language. In research based on semiotics of poetry, Akhavan’s “Epigraph” will be checked on reading-oriented (Retroactive) stage. This stage considers its implications of language. This approach in reading the text may explain the relationship between covert and internal accumulation of elements and systems in the text. This then brings the critic to the Hypogram and ultimately leads to the perception of these issues and uncovers the poems structural matrix. It is assumed that can be reached second reading in Akhavan’s “Epigraph” and ungrammatical elements, the accumulation, descriptive systems and the structural matrix of Akhavan’s “Epigraph” can be revealed.


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