The comparison of scenes in the “Blindness" of Jose Saramago and "The Lost” of Particle Modyano

Document Type : Research Paper



The scene is the local and chronological situation of acts in the Fiction. So that the general places of characters in addition to Geographical place and the era of acts governing the behavior of characters, is also effective on it. “Blindness” of Jose Saramago and “The Lots” of Patrick Modyano has some common deliberative aspects such as: Philosophical theme, deficiencies, and crises of identity and intellectual in contemporary Human life, and having devices of narrating. However they have considerable differences, such as their scenes elements. In this research, it has been pay attention to differences and resemblances of two novels scenes. The conclusions are that: In “Blindness”, the places and times are indefinite; and scenes are General and symbolic and in some cases are “non-Places” as Oget says; but in “The Lots”, the places are accurate and so, times are limit to the contemporary era.In “The Lots”, the frequency of panoramic scenes are more than the “Blindness”; and in the “Blindness”, Scenic ones are more than in “The Lots”.


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