The Effect of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Kant and the Great French Revolution´s worldview on Kleist in the novella "The Earthquake in Chile"

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Managing Director

2 assistant


Chili’s earthquake, Novella, not only represents cosmology, but also carries defeat and disability of individual in case of facing social constitutions, destiny and natural disasters.
From Kleist points of view, reaching the fact in his life is his life’s priority. He does not believe in revolution rather believes in a deep social change which might be possible through providing education by the society. In “Chili’s earthquake”,Kleist postulates that the world is unrestrained. He also adds that disappointment, lack of reliance, social injustice, destroying human values,and so on are rooted in laymen or laywomen’s weakness, and performing inappropriate purposeful activities by the powers.
Kleist also harshly criticizes the powers who are the reasons of depriving human rights, humans and world’s annihilation. Cosmology, thoughts and divine justice from Kleist’s insight are mostly compiled from John Jacque Rousse, Kant, Voltaire, and Leibnizs works. By Kleist creating such masterpiece, deep social background changes appear in addressee’s mind to the extent that the author of article can depict images and memories for the addressees.


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