Narrative of Hallâj in the Zarrinkoub and Massignon works: Objectivism ou imaginism?

Document Type : Research Paper




Biography is the genre that is contour between the reality and the imaginative, between history and literature and constantly in fluctuation and, according to the author's obsessions, inclined to this side or that side. In the two biographies of Mansour Hallâj, Life of Hallâj (first volume of the Passion of Hallâj collection) wrote by Louis Massignon and the Flame of Tour wrote by Abdolhossein Zarrinkoub, we see the French writer made himself write objectivist and scientific and in opposite Iranian writer has literary and imaginist approach in his work. But it seems that is purely impossible for them to create absolute scientific or literary biography. This study shows that both authors, for creating fact, have to use elements that have turned in apparently. Titles on the cover, the method of chapterization, narration and references to the literature are the items that bring heterogeneous elements to the author's original intentions in their texts.


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