The Role of Paratextuality in Reception and Understanding of Mathnawi Ma'navi 2

Document Type : Research Paper



The paratextual elements are the thresholds to the world of text. They are considered among indicators which are the key to understanding and receiving of text. In this paper, we aim to evaluate the effect of paratextual elements and their implications in the process of meaning reconstruction and receiving by the reader. In other words, in the light of study of these paratextual elements such as preamble and prose titles of Mathnawi Ma'navi, we stand for the hypothesis about the reasons of this employ of paratextual elements by Mowlana Jalal ad-Din Muhammad.
In our opinion, the paratextual elements of Mathnawi Ma'navi play a role of completing and orienting in the general meaning of original text. These elements are available in order to organize and structure the whole narration and the other components of Mathnawi's text, which seem apparently disheveled. In fact, the presence of paratextual elements in Mathnawi, is justified by a compensatory mechanism to its outward ruptures.


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