Structural diversity of narrative distance narrator in fiction (Based on the theory of Raymond Shlvmys staff)

Document Type : Research Paper


The narrator in a text (fiction or non-fiction) may narrative of events, the characters are presented and narratee, more or less away. Although this is the kind of narrative fiction Maaz expect the following type (narrative event after origination), but focus on the narrative structure of stories based on the theory of narrative distance Shlvmys staff Raymond suggests that all these not. In the novel "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens, the narrator at the beginning very civet distance events, while at the end of the story is precisely at the heart of events, as well as Balzac's novel "Babagvrof events, as well as Balzory has already happened? Why narrator says Ms. Vakvr now that narratee reading the text, is still in Paris Pensions? Analytical and research methodology utilizes a library based on the theory of narrative distance Shlvmys staff Raymond seeks to examine the structures of narrative fiction narrator's distance and saw limited examples (but smarter ) and based on scientific principles distance between the narrator and narrative structures discovered.


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