The replacement trick in the culture and literature of West Asia and Europe

Document Type : Research Paper



The structure, manner and common habits of society have always been reflected in the literature of all regions to the extent that recurrent themes in literature can be considered as echo of the common culture of the community in the form of literature. Recurrent themes in literature, among the various ethnic groups, sometimes due to the origin of similar sources and sometimes because of parallel traditions, are remarkably similar to each other. Different types of reflections of this subject in the ethnic classical literature, which have been observed in cultural exchange from the past, can be studied by looking at the oldest sources and following the course of reproduction of a theme.
The present article tries to review one of the most common tricks in the field of literature of West and Persia, which is also observable in the ancient culture of Mesopotamia and ancient Semitic traditions: the bed trick that means switching female lovers or character's disguise, is one of the main themes of many notable literary texts.






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