The path of Bauchau’s Oedipus: The Jungian decline of Freudian "Oedipus complex"

Document Type : Research Paper



"Oedipus on the road" is the story of the path Oedipus roams on to get from Thebes to Colonus, from the city where his sin is revealed to him, to the city which will at the end become his tomb. The path which, in the narrative’s timeline, lies between two plays of Sophocles and thus joins "Oedipus the King" to "Oedipus at Colonus". In fact, by exploring this void in the timeline of the plays, Bauchau imagines the path which will allows Oedipus to meet his wretched condition and to overcome it. Based on what precedes and based on the author’s experiences in the field of psychoanalysis, it is possible to consider Oedipus’ path as a metaphor for a successful psychoanalytical treatment. This will allow us to study this work in light of some of the psychoanalytical concepts and thereby not only to achieve a deeper understanding of these concepts, but also to follow their embodiment in a narrative-fictive setting.


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