comparative study of the short stories of Jamalzadeh and Maupassant

Document Type : Research Paper


Most literary experts consider Jamalzadeh as a precursor of Iranian storytelling, especially, of short story. They believe Jamalzadeh changed Persian prose by publication and using consciously narrative European techniques in his first collection of short stories “once upon a time” (yeki boud yeki naboud). On the other hand, for many literary critics, Maupassant is known as the most famous short story writer and expert in this type of story in nineteenth century because of his several collections of short stories during ten years. This article studies comparatively the narrative methods of these two famous authors. Therefore, in this paper, using the theories of structuralists such as Gerard Genette, Greimas and Todorov, the writers will concentrate on the common methods applied by these authors for organizing time, atmosphere, characterization and story within story which produce narrative polyphony. Also, the common techniques based on benefiting from people language and satire will be studied in some of their short stories.


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---.(1392)، کباب غاز، قابل دسترس در سایت: http://,
میرعابدینی، حسن. (1377)، داستان‌های ایرانی صد ساله، جلد 2.1، تهران: چشمه
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