The semiotic study of "oneself and anothe"r in the discourse of Valery:another in Me

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of sciences humaines, University of Shahid Beheshti


One of the importants questions in the discourse of Valery, French author of XXth century is the question of another who achieves in the knowledge. Another is treated with a new way. Indeed, another is defines in touch with the Me of the author. That is the reflection of Me and a dialectic becomes established between both: Me and another.
In his discourse, the enonciataire is in front of two instances of the enonciateur: ipseity and samely, one-idem and one-ipse
Indeed, Paul Valery defines another in oneself who speak. He tries to show the relationship between Me and another;
We benefit to semiotics of school of Paris, the work of Jacques Fontanille and also the analyze of Paul Ricoeur. Specially his work: oneself as another.
The objective in this research is to show how another defines itself compared with me and how the author achieve the knowledge and know itself.


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