A Comparative Study of Characterization in The Glass Menagerie and The Persian Heritage

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate professor of English Literature; University of Isfahan


Characterization is a significant element which makes the
comparative study of Akbar Radi’s The Persian Heritage and Tennessee Williams’
The Glass Menagerie, possible. The authors of this paper believe that Tom in
The Glass Menagerie has different aspects of characterization which can be
found in the form of different characters in Radi’s The Persian Heritage. This
study is an attempt to analyze Tom’s character and his roles in the play, and
trace his changing roles in the form of Jalil, Azim and Javad in The Persian
Heritage. It is arguable that Tom’s characterization can be taken as a
resultant of the three mentioned characters of Radi’s play. What affects such
characterization and developments can best be studied in the drastic change
that the structure of family has experienced in the modern era. This signifies
that change in the traditional structure of family can be detected in characterization.
This essay attempts to reveal the status of modern man in the modern world by
analyzing the characterization of the plays and reaction of man to the
dominance of certain social conditions based on the American school of
comparative Literature.
