Evaluating the Need for a New Translation of Hafiz in German

Document Type : Research Paper



Hafez is considered to be one of the most well-known Iranian
poets in German culture. Although there are many translations of his Divan
(Anthology and complete translation of Poems), the question is do we need a new
translation? Hafiz was obliged to compress all his knowledge in words, which is
why his poetry is so enigmatic. Reading his poetry is like entering a labyrinth
from where it is difficult to exit. Although knowing a language is mandatory
for translation, it is not enough to arrive at a complete one. This paper studies
the various translations of Hafez’s Divan to decide  which one covers  both the poetical and aesthetical aspects of
his poetry, and moreover introduce the best available translation(s) to German
readers. The study arrives at the conclusion that we still need better
translations of Hafez’s Divan.