Author's Passions: A Glance at Maldoror's Songs Written by Conte de Lautréamont


The present article attempts to investigate the power of imagination and creativity of a writer qualified as one of the extraordinarily gifted individuals of world literature. In one of his works which is totally different from other works of the nineteenth century, the writer, Lautréamont utilizes valiantly all dark powers protruding from his reflections and mental and contemplative backgrounds in order to demonstrate his strength and to procure the truth of life. The prominent idiosyncrasy of the writer's style is the creation of spontaneous scenes out of imagination and facts which agitate us because they are unknown in our world. Citing some precise memoirs of the writer or his literary theft, the writer of this article attempts to analyze the work of a writer who, according to great writers, could be the most capable creator of superb and fictional myths in French literature.
