Apparition of the Spritual Universe and Discovery of Identity in Le Clezio's Personages



Le Clezio 's fictional world takes us back to the beauties of nature and makes us contemplate the mysteries of the universe. By creating exaggerated and sometimes surreal sceneries, Le Clezio seeks to escape from inconveniences of the materialistic world to explore man's identity. Obscure conditions, wearriness with the achievements of modern world, Le Clezio's personages, are encouraged to an emigration out of their country towards a spritual quiet. Le Clezio's journeys all over the world, specially his trip to Indian Americans, made him familiar with spiritual realms and supernatural powers. The heroes of Le Clezio's stories are mainly homeless and destitute children who seek a refuge in nature. The writer's mythical view together with his intuition and inspiring descriptions herald an idealistic world in his works. This paper aims at investigating Le Clezio's spritual journeys and the spritual universe in his works.
