

Highly sensitive and quite aware of the corruption of the world, many romantic thinkers and writers, however, did not lose their hope for regaining what human beings had lost by the Fall in religious terms or by leaving “the state of nature” behind and making social contracts to live in “the state of civil society “ in Rousseau’s words.Romantics’ deep disillusionment with the French Revolution made them come to the conclusion that no actual Utopias would be constructed in a corrupted world, thus they became set on making some spiritual Utopias within themselves. In doing so they created their redemption myths which were somehow molded under the influence of Platonic notions and also, in the case of English rQmantics, the myth Milton had created in Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained. Those myths, however, did not embrace all human beings. Rousseau’s “solitary walker,” Blake’s “Albion,” Novalis’s Ofterdingen and Wordsworth’s “philosophic mind” are particular, exceptional humans among the whole human race who can gain a spiritual “holy grail” in their quest for self-fulfillment: they find it in their own soul, thereby attaining peace of mind after a life-long search. Hence the internalization of the paradise lost by Adam and Eve.
