

One of the distinctive characteristics of the interaction between teachers and students in giving and receiving feedback. In this research, the relationship between “feedback expectancy” in English classes and “students’ achievement” in high-schools and junior high- schools has been explored. The results revealed a positive and moderate relationship between the two variables of “feedback expectancy” and “students’ achievement”. It was found that the level of achievement and the educational level have a significant main effect on feedback expectancy. The Scheffe Test showed that in the third grade high-schools and junior high-schools the expectation for giving and receiving feedback is stronger. The present research also aimed at investigating the attitude of Iranian students towards teacher and peer feedback. The Scheffe Test pointed to the effect of educational level on students’ attitude to feedback; in grades where exams are given countrywide, students expect more feedback from their teachers and classmates. At the end, this research looks into the effect of cultural factors on the attitude of students and suggests cooperative learning as a means of changing this attitude.
